Dual Vision

Dual Vision: Art Through Different Eyes

Dual Vision: Art through Different Eyes Dual Vision is a collaboration between The Artisans Village Guild and Associated Photographers of Lake Oconee (APLO). On exhibit in the Gallery until 11/11/21.

Vote Now

Please Vote

Vote Now! Eatonton Main Street has been nominated for the America’s Main Streets Contest. The winner of this contest will win $25,000. Eatonton Main Street needs your help! Vote up to 25 times per day.


Gypsy Soul Creative Caravan

The Gypsy Soul Creative Caravan is rolling into The Artisans Village for just a short stay!  Enjoy Tarot Card Readings, temporary Tattoos, dream catcher, Mandala coloring, and much more!Date: Thursday, August 26
Time: 5:00 – 8:00 PM

Steve Kippel_PA-July

Plein Air – Guild Members

Guild Plein Air Event – July On July 27 several Guild members ventured to downtown Greensboro for more plein air painting. This is a familiar downtown street corner painted by the talented artist, Steve Kippels.

Lake Country Juried Art Show

Lake Country Juried Art Show

Lake Country Juried Art Show On display now through September 4, 2021 at the Artisans Village Art Gallery.

Father's Day

Father’s Day

Father’s Day & Gifts for Grads unique gallery gift ideas for everyone on your summer shopping list. Take a look!

Eatonton One Day Paint Out

Eatonton One Day Paint Out Saturday, May 1. Click for photos of the workshops, paint-out, and ribbon winners!

Giving Tuesday


Artists Sunday Recap

Weekend Recap Thank you to everyone who came out to support The Artisans Village for Small Business Saturday and Artists Sunday. Enjoy some photos of a few of our Artist demos from the events!

Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday is a national shopping day that takes place the Saturday after Thanksgiving. It originated in 2010 by American Express and encourages consumers to Shop Small® and support their local communities.