Featured Artists

The Artisans Village – Featured Artists

The Artisans Village is happy to present a spotlight on some of our local talents.  We wanted to show our community a little bit of background behind some of our amazing artists.  For the first few weeks, we will feature the ribbon winners from the recent Lake Country Juried Art Show.  Please be sure to like us on Facebook and/or follow us on Instagram to catch all of their interesting bios and stories.

While some of their artwork has already found a new home, many of these works of original art are still available for purchase.  Please stop in the Gallery to see all the artwork for yourself.

cathy mcintire
Sandra Witty
Dana Thompson
Gail Vail
Ann Dodys

Stay tuned for more Featured Artists coming soon!

TAV Logo

We asked the artists the following questions:  

  1. How long have you been painting or doing art?
  2. Tell us something unique about yourself?
  3. What’s the best advice (regarding your art) that you’ve ever received?
  4. What inspires you?
  5. Where are you originally from?
  6. What award or accomplishment are you most proud of?
  7. What artist would you enjoy having a conversation with?
  8. Favorite place to visit or favorite art museum?