The Artisans Village Art Gallery Classes

Cyanophotography – Playing with the Sun

Instructor: Joanne Crouch

Date/Time:  Friday and Saturday, May 30 & 31 from  10:30 am – 1:30 pm for optimum sunlight

Location: The Artisans Village Art Gallery – 110 W. Marion Street, in downtown Eatonton

Max# of Students: 10/day

Detailed Description: In this workshop, students will get hands on experiences with dry and wet cyanotypes, natural sunlight and artificial (UV) light processing, toning cyanotypes and ways to protect the artwork.

TOTAL COST $62  (Cost of Class: $50  + Supply Cost: $12)

Supplies to be Provided: Supply cost is $12 per person/per day.  Students signed up for 2 days will get supply kit each day.  Supplies provided includes: Developer A and B (cyanotypes solution), watercolor paper, cloth, canvas, sponge brushes, cups for developer, leaves, feathers, lace, stencils, wood cut-outs, thread, string, turmeric, watercolors, toners, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, alcohol, mica powders, sodium bicarbonate, gloves.

Supplies for Students to bring:  Apron and a willingness to learn.
